Falling Dream
This game was submitted in the Dallas Society of Play's game jam HEXCODE x THEME SHOWDOWN JAM 2.
Game Info
Players: Single Player
Genre: Side Scroller Platformer
Development Info
Role: Programmer, Level Designer, Game Designer
Team Size: 1
Development Time: 1 week
Game Engine: Unity
Quick Summary
During my Spring break in March 2021 I decided to join in on Dallas Society of Play's game jam HEXCODE x THEME SHOWDOWN JAM 2. During this time I was only in my second semester of my school program, so my knowledge was limited. So with limited time and my limited knowledge I decided to make a platformer where you couldn't jump.
My Limitations
Since this was my first game jam and I have only been programming/developing games for about 8 months, I definitely had some roadblocks. One of them was trying to figure out how to make a platformer without jumping. I decided to have the player teleport to the top and have the player drop to the floor. I felt that this fell in with the theme "Dream". This was good for me since I had one week to create a game. It took out the problem that I had, which was figuring out how to program jumping in my game.
Within this one week, I definitely learned a lot about quick decision making and time management. Since I was working alone in this game jam, I had to allocate my time in art, programming, and design.