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Dungeon Splorer

Game Info

  • Players: Single Player

  • Genre: Top-Down, Dungeon Exploration

Development Info

  • Role: Programmer, Artist, Lead Designer,  

  • Team Size: 1

  • Development Time: 2 Weeks

  • Game Engine: Unity

Quick Summary

Dungeon Splorer was one of the games I created for my Game Simulation class. This was my first try at creating a top down dungeon exploration game, that was heavily inspired by the Legend of Zelda games.


Bow and Arrow

Bow and Arrow.gif




The player has three weapons: 

1.) Hammer

2.) Bow and Arrow

3.) Sword

I wanted to create three different weapon so that the player has multiple tools to use in different situations. The hammer was put in because I needed a counter for the shield enemy, that blocked bow and arrow shots and sword stabs. I put a limit to how much the hammer could be used, because I created hammer to have a higher damage scalar than the sword. 

The bow and arrow was created because I wanted to include a long range weapon for the player. This allowed the player another option on how to play the game, but I gave it limited ammunition so that it couldn't be abused. 

Finally, the sword was my answer to having a weapon that was unlimited, but useful in a situation where the Hammer and the bow and arrow were unusable. 

Sword & Shield


There are three types of enemies

1.) Soldier

2.) Gremlins

3.) The Dungeon Demon

The Soldier type enemy is your basic enemy with a sword and shield. When the distance between the player and the soldier gets less than a certain distance, the soldier will charge in the direction of the player.  This allows the player to get behind the enemy and attack him. 

The Gremlin type enemy are tiny weak enemies that attack in groups. The reason why I created them, was because I wanted to have a enemy that was annoying, but useful. You need to gather a bunch of gremlins in order to fill the pad up so that it could unlock a closed room. 

Finally, the Dungeon Demon is the end boss of the level. I thought it would be cool to have the boss have a spinning saw blade that rotates around him while the moving towards the player.  To add more stress to the player I added a game object that spawns more gremlins to go after the player. 



Stay on the Platform.gif


Dungeon Demon.gif

Dungeon Demon

Color Puzzle(Red).gif
Color Puzzle(Blue).gif

Color Puzzle

This puzzle was fun to create. I wanted to create a puzzle that dealt with color. So I decided to use it for the doors. 

For the block that changes color, I interpolated the colors whenever the player pushes the block. If the player turns the block into the color that correlates with the door, it opens that door. 

Colored Doors 5.png

Colored Doors

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